
Greetings from Ghana, West Africa!

March 16, 2015

We arrived on time on Saturday, but not before having an adventure as we were leaving Charlotte last Friday. We had left the gate when the pilot reported we would be delayed 45 minutes due to a problem in NYC. As we sat on the tarmac, a man came to the front of the cabin,…

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Cecil Troutman’s Memorial Service

March 9, 2015

Last week we said good-bye to our friend and brother in Christ Cecil Troutman. His memorial service on Thursday afternoon had to be the most uplifting I have experienced in a very long time. Several hundred attended despite the cold and rainy weather. Gospel quartet numbers, solos, testimonies and congregational singing filled the room and…

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Lessons from My Grandbabies

March 2, 2015

I really grow weary of the reality of God’s promise, “It is appointed unto man once to die” (Hebrews 9:27). This past weekend I was floored by the news of the totally unexpected passing of my friend, Cecil Troutman. What a gentle, jolly and dependable man, who has been with me on numerous ministry endeavors…

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Pebble in My Pocket

February 24, 2015

Never mind that it was a cold November day, the grandkids wanted to play by the river’s edge in front of our mountain cabin rental. The oldest, Haven, socialized with her cousins while Jensen, the youngest and all boy, threw every stone I could provide into the water. Our middle grand, Jovie, was quietly retrieving…

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February 17, 2015

Can there be a greater blessing or anything more fun than grandchildren? We have three and each of them is my favorite. They visited this past weekend. It was too cold to stay outside so the indoor activity was wide open−especially our guy, Jensen. He may have two big sisters but he is all boy!…

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Comoyagua, Honduras Construction & Medical Evangelism Project

January 19, 2015

On August 1-8, 2015, we will be traveling to Comoyagua, Honduras for a construction and medical evangelism project. Read below for more information and how to join us! Hosts: Terry and Arlene Dupont, Open Eyes Ministries Emphasis: CONSTRUCTION (food facility for children, more); Simultaneous MEDICAL MISSION (triage, evangelism, Dr., DDS, Pharmacy, possibly glasses) Personnel Needed:…

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This Christmas

December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014 is history, along with our JAMin. Christmas season activities. Our JAMin. Singers sounded the best ever this year and were the busiest–Arlington Baptist Church Nov. 22, Rock Hill, SC ChristmasVille Dec. 6, the Billy Graham Library Dec. 13, Wilora Lake Lodge (Brookdale Charlotte East) Dec. 14, University Park Baptist Church Dec. 17, the…

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JAMin. Christmas in Rock Hill

December 11, 2014

This past weekend our JAMin. Christmas Singers were scheduled to sing at the Rock Hill, SC ChristmasVille event.  The outdoor activities were cancelled due to rain but we went anyway at the request of our ministry partner there, the Rock Hill Dream Center.  We met for lunch at the Texas Road House Grill.  The staff…

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JAMin. Christmas Singers’ First Performance

December 2, 2014

It’s been awhile since I made an entry. I’m not sure if my mind will ever pursue these things without constant reminder! Life has been full lately. Our JAMin. Christmas Singers had our first “gig” at the Arlington Baptist Thanksgiving banquet on Nov. 22. I am so proud of them. If their first time at…

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August 2015 Opportunity

November 17, 2014

Greetings! It’s been awhile since we’ve organized a large team, but here goes. I’ll give concise details. August 1-8, 2015 (Sat.-Sat.) – Comoyagua, Honduras construction and medical evangelism project. Hosts: Terry and Arlene Dupont, Open Eyes Ministries EMPHASIS: CONSTRUCTION (food facility for children, more); Simultaneous MEDICAL MISSION Personnel Needed: Those who can lead or assist…

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